
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Introducing NFC INDX: Free data for everyone

Introducing NFC INDX: Free data for everyone

Introducing NFC INDX: Free data for everyone

NFC INDX is a project we have taken on to provide NFC industry statistics to everyone, free of charge on an ongoing basis, but we need your help. Let us explain. NFCRumors and NFC Data have a pretty tight relationship. In fact, we are working on a few initiatives together. Both of our groups have this crazy idea that we want to provide resources to the NFC community free of charge. If you are on the huge NFC Data email list, you will see the creative commons statement listed all over the place as you get your daily fill of NFC news, and if you are a regular here at NFC Rumors you will know we give away graphics and provide news everyday that encompasses the whole industry.
We all believe NFC is one of the biggest things that has happened to the tech world in quite sometime and both organizations appreciate that there are obstacles that need to be overcome. So while chatting one day over a month ago, we came up with a crazy idea of creating polls that start to build a picture of what consumers and businesses want to see happen in NFC. Research houses spend an inordinate amount of hours putting together huge reports that only large companies can afford, but in NFC there are lots of small companies building services and products for everyone. Don't get us wrong, we feel that research houses of the ilk of the Yankee Group, ABI, Juniper and other reputable research houses are worth every penny you pay for them for their reports and competitive data. It's just we can't all afford deep analysis of the industry, and yet small companies and large ones alike need quality data from both businesses and consumers.
Want to get involved?Click here to take the survey.

What is NFC INDX and how can I be involved?

NFC INDX is our project that gives the data answered by NFC Rumors and NFC Data readers back to the community. Every couple of weeks, we will launch a new survey where we keep polls intentionally small and quick to answer. It should never take more than a minute or two. We will then aggregate the data we receive and publish it on for everyone. We will probably post some of the data on our respective news sites also. If you have answered the survey you will get access to the results quicker than everyone else as we want to reward those who support the NFC community. We have a coming soon page up at the moment because we are only now launching our first poll, but as soon as the results are in, the site that sits behind the splash page will be set loose. Between NFC Rumors and NFC Data we reach hundreds of thousands of people in the NFC industry and consumers alike, all around the world.
Our rules: Your data will never be shared outside of NFC Rumors and NFC data. All answers will be aggregated and your identity will never be divulged. The best way you can take part at this time is to answer the polls that are designed to take no time at all. When we get into the swing of things more and have more data behind us, we will reach out to the community more.
"My perspective as a technologist is to figure out what features NFC provides will give users the fastest marginal utility and drive adoption,” shares Ken Mages, Founder/CTO of NFC Data. “Having been in the payment space the last twelve years, it is NOT payments necessarily that will move the NFC needle but perhaps the synchronous/asynchronous nature of storing and forwarding data that matters most. We hope to uncover these answers in our survey.”
A personal message from me, the Editor of NFC Rumors. "You will normally see our posts refer to us because there is a small team behind NFC Rumors. However, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank our readers who visit us on a daily basis for their support. We have seen record growth since we launched. I really hope you can get behind the polls to give developers and entrepreneurs around the world the valuable data they need to meet market demands, and to push the evolution of NFC further than anything we have seen yet. If we get great response rates to our polls it helps everyone in the NFC ecosystem. Just think, we could well create jobs, help to bring new products to market and generally cement NFC as a positive technology in the minds and hearts of consumers that are yet to hear of this near field technology we all have such a passion for."
We really hope you can support NFC INDX and look forward to seeing your responses and publishing them for the whole community. The comments are open, people. Let us know your thoughts on NFC INDX.

This post was originally written by NFC Rumors.

Steve Jobs Dead at 56, But not Before iPhone4S Announcment

Steve Jobs passes away aged 56

Steve Jobs passes away aged 56

The very sad news is breaking all over the world tonight that Steve Jobs has passed away. A true loss. Our condolences to anyone who was close to or knew the man that Tim Cook called “a creative genius.”
The following is a memo AllThingsD posted that was sent to employees.
I have some very sad news to share with all of you. Steve passed away earlier today.
Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.
We are planning a celebration of Steve’s extraordinary life for Apple employees that will take place soon. If you would like to share your thoughts, memories and condolences in the interim, you can simply email
No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve’s death or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much.