
Friday, October 3, 2008

VC's Take Notice of Alternative Payment Demand

Editor's Note: Both this and the previous post talk about RevolutionMoney and PayPal's P2P Money Transfer platforms. I know I haven't talked a lot about it on the blog, as we're working hard to bring the more secure and thus lower interchange fees of PIN Debit and Credit to the web, but...

HomeATM's Personal Swiping Device can be used to send money to anyone anywhere in the world...more securely and for less money than Western Union, PayPal, (see previous blog post) Visa, MasterCard and (I suspect but have yet to acquire the numbers for) Revolution Money. Frankly, I believe it to be not only the most secure and least cost intensive, but also the easiest way to send money from one party to another. I'll touch about this more in the near future, but with the RM and PP articles being posted back2back I thought I'd talk a little P2P B4 you read the post... JBF

More later on HomeATM's Person to Person Money Transfer service...

Image representing Revolution Money as depicte...Image via CrunchBase
Revolution Money piles up cash to start credit revolution - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
ST. PETERSBURG — Revolution Money Inc. has raised more than $80 million in capital, including $20 million over the summer, as the startup firm strives to make its mark in the payments industry.

The money is funding operations, customer growth and technology development, said Darren Thompson, CFO at Revolution Money, a fast-growing firm that in one year has expanded to more than 100 employees, 85 percent of them at its downtown headquarters.

Revolution Money says its RevolutionCard credit card and MoneyExchange online person-to-person money transfer product cost less and provide greater security than better-known brands such as MasterCard, Visa and PayPal.

Investor interest has been piqued because there’s strong demand for cheaper payment methods in a cost-conscious and credit-crunched economy, said Adil Moussa, an analyst at Aite Group LLC. “I’m not surprised by how they [raised capital] because there is so much demand for alternative payments,” Moussa said.

Editor's Note: Want to see (according to TechCrunch) 50 companies most likely to survive the economic downturn? Then click here. Keep in mind, it's in "money raised" order, which doesn't mean a thing considering that biometric payment processor Pay By Touch...raised enough money to be SECOND on TechCrunchies Top 50 list...(if they were still in existence).

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