
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Top 40 - Satisfied?

ForeSee Results - Holiday 2008 Top 40 Online Retail Satisfaction Index
Holiday 2008 Top 40
Online Retail Satisfaction Index

The Top 40 Online Retail Satisfaction Index assessed customer satisfaction with leading online retailers during the holiday shopping season, the most critical time of the year. 2008 was the fourth year in a row that ForeSee Results conducted this research, allowing for valuable insights on year-over-year performance by individual retailers.

Overview Commentary: This report ranks the Top 40 retailers in terms of how well they satisfy customers online and contains high-level insights into drivers of customer satisfaction during the critical holiday shopping season. Highlights include:

  • Amazon and Netflix top the list and are the only two online retailers to score above 70.
  • Only 10 websites improved satisfaction year-over-year, while more than 40% saw satisfaction decline.
  • More than a quarter of all websites scored 70 or lower, well below industry standards

To download the free report you'll need to fill out a form on ForeSee's website.  They also have a free report on the Top 30 online retailers in the UK available for download.  

To read more, the NY Times Blog has a story on it in today's publication. Click here to read "How E-Commerce Sites Stack Up" there.

Here's a snippet: 

Those that score 80 or greater are classified as excellent. Only Netflix and, which tied at 84, made the cut, which might help explain why recently reported its best holiday season ever during the worst holiday season for e-commerce as a whole. Close behind were QVC, the Apple Store, Barnes & Noble, L.L.Bean, and (which sells computer parts.)
Tying at 69, the lowest score in the group, were Circuit City, HSN,, (that's what happened), Neiman Marcus and Gap...

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