US wireless network Alltel Wireless will launch a mobile wallet service called Alltel Wallet based on mFoundry’s mobile wallet platform in early 2009.
Alltel Wallet is to include various mobile banking services, offering customers access to a large variety of US financial institutions. Alltel Wireless recently launched a free mobile banking service called Alltel Mobile Banking, offering customers mobile access to accounts from many financial institutions. The Alltel Wallet will provide its customers access to the same financial institutions as well as access to a series of other payment services.
mFoundry will provide Alltel with the necessary platform to plug in enhanced financial services and other advanced functions from selected third party developers. mFoundry’s mobile wallet platform comes with pre-built modules for peer-to-peer remittances and other payment services to help developers deploy new features.
mFoundry’s mobile financial services platform is based on Mojax technology which allows Alltel to offer third party developers the ability to add modules to the wallet. Mojax is an Ajax application framework. Unlike traditional frameworks, Mojax applications (Moblets) do not run within a browser and are not subject to the availability and quality of a network connection. Mojax is a plug-in capable mobile development framework that offers developers additional access to core device capabilities like Camera API, Location Services, Contacts and more.