
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Macy's Debit Card Glitch Internal

Macy's Own Software Caused Its Holiday Debit Card Glitch

In a follow up story written by Fred Aun and Evan Schuman at, they report that Macy's has determined an internal glitch caused some 8000 debit cards to be double and triple charged.  He's an excerpt:

"After initially suspecting that one of its third-party payment card processors had caused a December 20 mess where some 8,000 Macy's customers had their debit cards charged as many as three times for one transaction, the chain's payment management has now concluded that the fault lied solely within their internal software.

"We were looking at the processor and the bank networks, trying to determine whether this was an issue with specific banks," Mike Gatio, president of Macy's credit and customer services division, said in a Wednesday (Jan. 14) interview. "We've now narrowed it down to our own gateway. We deal with a number of processors, but it's not their issue.  It's ours."...

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