
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Acculynk: Card Not Present PIN Transaction

Acculynk uses a floating PIN Pad to process PIN Debit transactions on the Internet.  But if the Card's Not Preset, then where's the PIN Verification Value or the PIN Offset which is resident on the magnetic stripe of the card?  Hmmm?  Maybe the CNP Forum can address those questions in Barcelona...

Card Not Present Payment (CNP) Forum Annual Conference 2009 to be held May 11-13th in Barcelona, Spain.

Editor's Note:  If you'd like to learn how you might be empowered to transform "CNP" transactions into "CP" (Card Present) transactions, please contact HomeATM at:  Our CNP2CP solution works for all Internet Retailers, and any merchant who is on the go, including but not limited to, Food Delivery, In Home Services/Sales, MLM, Flea Markets, Fairs, Trade Shows, etc.  HomeATM's CNP2CP program lowers interchange, risk, fraud, and virtually eliminates chargebacks. 

The CNP Payment Forum serves CNP merchants by providing: networking opportunity, education, sharing of best practices and representation (or engagement) in promoting the interests of the industry in CNP processes.

What is it? A yearly conference for all levels of Customer Not Present Merchants. Click the picture on the right to enlarge and read.

Highlights include:

1.Beginners: Credit Card Processing 101, Chargebacks 101, Recurring 101
2. Advanced: Round Table discussions, Industry Updates, Faster Payment, SEPA PSD, AML, PCI DSS Compliance Sessions and Panels;
3. Shared merchant experiences from different industry sectors;
4. Opportunity to share information with peers regarding loss prevention and trends in processing and technology;
5. Engage in substantive dialogue with payment industry leaders and card company executives;
6. Speak directly with representatives from European Commissioner, Chase Paymentech, CyberSource, GlobalCollect, EMS Card, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Maestro, PayPal, and many other companies.

By providing CNP merchants with a venue to exchange views, share best practices, discuss technologies and payment related products, it is expected that merchants will discover ways to work together to influence the direction of the operational supply chain and payments industry. Merchant participation is vital to the future success of this forum. We encourage all interested parties to contact us - we need volunteers. There are no costs associated and by serving on a committee, you can help shape the future of our industry. To find out more please contact us

Or, as previously mentioned, you can learn how to transform CNP2CP, which lowers risk, interchange and virtually eliminates chargebacks by contacting HomeATM at

Or visit HomeATM at

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