
Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 Busted in Sin City Credit Fraud Ring


18 month credit fraud ring investigation leads to three arrests - KTN Las Vegas

Box after box, jewelry, DVD players, cars of every size and all of it is now evidence.

"Right now they're astronomically tired," said Lt. Robert Sebby of his Metro Police team. "this started Monday morning."

Sebbysays Metro has been investigating the charge card fraud ring for 18months or more. It all came to a head Monday, according to arrestreports, when an officer pulled-over Davit Kudugulyan and found severalcredit cards in a glove box, along with a fake I. D.

The numbers on the magnetic strips of those cards didn't match the numbers on the front.

So how were they making them?  "A smoke-shop and another business," Lt. Sebby said. "In the smoke shop we recovered an active skimmer."

That'sa card-swipe device that records the magnetic information on yourcard. Police say the crooks were also collecting personalidentification numbers, or PINs, with a tiny camera as well.

"Nextto the pin pad, mounted in a counter display, was a pin-hole camerarecording people's numbers. So people have to be aware of theirsurroundings," Sebby said.

At the home on Chicory Court, policearrested Arytun Khoudagoulian after they say they found more creditcards, receipts, and a point-of-sale machine that had been tamperedwith.  An the investigation expanded again after when policearrested a third man - Hrachya Arakelyan and investigators say theyaren't done yet.

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