
Friday, April 10, 2009

Traditional Industry Powerhouse FIS - Javelin

Javelin Strategy and Research » FIS to offer Yodlee’s same-day bill pay

FIS to offer Yodlee’s same-day bill pay

I found this information, as reported in American Banker, to be interesting because of the progression can go through over the years. When I first met the people at Yodlee mine was a one person operation and Yodlee was in a small office across from Intel in Santa Clara (where some of their programmers had the sleeping bags under the desk that were common during that Silicon Valley growth period). Yodlee was all about aggregation then, and potential deeper integration into core payments and financial services apps was what we discussed.  Now fast forward ten years, and traditional industry powerhouse Fidelity Information Services is adding same day bill payment capability from Yodlee, rather than from it’s own internal development efforts or via some other similarly-traditional payments provider.

Editor's Note:  And I found this information, as first reported in PIN Payments News to be interesting, because Javelin Strategy and Research seems rather impressed with "traditional industry powerhouse Fidelity Information Services (FIS) and Acculynk...however...HomeATM and FIS will be at the ETA convention together "at booth #347 ensuring home debit card purchases are safe."   (using hardware...not software)  How NYCE is that?
  • Creative solutions to accepting PIN Debit for payment at Web-based merchant sites
  • Expanding payment options
  • Reduced interchange costs
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