
Sunday, April 19, 2009

TRUE Internet PIN Debit - See us at FinovateStartup09

Tried and True!

Visit HATM at FinovateStartup09 in our Hospitality Suite on April 28th in San Francisco and we will demonstrate the ONLY functional "TRUE" PIN Debit Internet system by putting $10 on ANY US Bank Card in "Real Time!" read this right. "THE ONLY" True Internet PIN Debit Payment in the World. True PIN Debit Interchange, True PIN Debit Transactions, True Card Present Rates.

Software solutions ARE NOT TRUE PIN Debit.

Sure, you can type or mouse click your PIN into a box, but since the card is not swiped, it's not TRUE PIN's a "Card NOT Present" transaction. Without "card present' status, it's an "alternative" payment system.

True PIN Debit is conventional ...there's "NO ALTERNATIVE" way to do it...other than swiping the magnetic stripe (which contains the PIN Offset, the PIN Verification Value and the Track 2 data).

To see a LIVE Demonstration of the world's ONLY TRUE PIN Debit, simply Mention the PIN Payments News Blog OR cut out the Coupon above right, and bring it up to our Hospitality Suite.

We'll Remit $10.00 into your bank account using your (any U.S.) bank card "LIVE" in "real time"...right before your eyes!

HomeATM has engineered, patented and manufactures the ONLY PIN Entry Device in the WORLD to achieve the notoriety of PCI 2.0 PED Certification. In a sense we're the Porsche of Payments. "There is NO substitute! The most secure internet payment mechanism in the world...wide web! HomeATM enables:
  • Internet PIN Debit Transactions
  • Person to Person Payments
  • Secure 2FA (two-factor authentication)
  • Online Banking
  • P2B Online Bill Payments
  • B2B Payments
  • Secure Money Transfer/Remittance
All in Real-Time. Always 3DES DUKPT End to End Encryption...including Track 2 Data.

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