
Friday, April 3, 2009

Twit This: Google to Buy Twitter?

April 3rd, 2009 · by David Bradley

UPDATE: Twitter is not negotiating a sale with Google, according to Kara Swisher. The AllThingsD journalist says acquisition talks are first touted by TechCrunch (see below) are inaccurate.

However, the two are in talks focused on “product-relateddiscussions”, Swisher reports, which makes more sense and confirms myearlier post about Google and Twitter being in cahoots.

It came a day late to be an April Fool’s but rumors are trendingacross the twitterhood, on the blogosphere, and just plain in the newsthat Google is in late stage talks to acquire microblogging siteTwitter for $250m cash, half what Facebook offered for the plugged incelebrity’s favorite web service.

TechCrunch claims it has confirmation from two independent sources close to the talks that a deal is imminent.

This ties in with my thoughts of a few days ago about cross-linkedactivity between Google SERPs and twitter changes. I tweeted how google and twitter were in cahooots well over a week ago.

There is quite a lot of discussionon Twitter itself regarding this putative acquisition, much of itsimply retweets of the TechCrunch link and remarkably few expletives sofar.

What such an assimilation will mean for millions of tweeps willremain to be seen, although you can get your bottom adword dollar thatone thing that will certainly change is that Google will slap itsAdSense program all over your tweets within weeks of the legal papersbeing deposited. Whether or not you see that as a good or a bad thingwill depend on whether you think making money from your online outputis a viable business model or a way to boost pocket money.

Old update: Yet another source says the acquisition discussions are stillfairly early stage, and the two companies are also considering workingtogether on a Google real time search engine.

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