
Monday, April 6, 2009

WOW! Get a FREE HomeATM SafeTPIN! (including S&H)

Attention: PIN Payments Blog Readers! Get a FREE SafeTPIN PCI 2.0 PIN Entry Device!

In order to celebrate 2 years of painstaking engineering prowess, HomeATM CEO Ken Mages is presenting PIN Payments News Blog Readers with an "unprecedented" opportunity!

What do I have to do you ask?

Answer the poll, located on the sidebar to the right of this post and...send your email and shipping address to and you will receive a FREE HomeATM SafeTPIN (including shipping, handling, processing etc.!)

Of course, we're not completely mad, so this is a limited time offer. 10 days or 2500 units...whichever occurs first.

So...partake in the poll, send me your email address (all emails will obviously be verified) and receive the worlds only PCI 2.0 PED designed for use on the web, (with online shopping, online banking, online authentication, Person 2 Person "real time" transactions, or even to simply send your money from one account to another!) Also works with Facebook, Twitter, Cell Phones, and as a standalone Point of Sale device... etc.

This is the SAFEST, MOST SECURE and OBVIOUSLY, THE LEAST EXPENSIVE way to protect your cardholder information.

The HomeATM SafeTPIN provides End-to-End Encryption, (including Track 2 Data) of your cardholder data and replicates a traditional retail store transaction...using a dually authenticated DUKPT process...previously unavailable to the general public. Oh...and did I mention it works with cell-phones? (Coming soon!!!...Blackberrys too!!!)

Remember, it's easy. Send me an email ( ...enter "Free SafeTPIN" in the Subject Line, and of course, your home address...(where you want it sent to) HomeATM will provide you and your family with our recently PCI 2.0 Certified PED for FREE. No catches. HomeATM pays for shipping, handling, insurance, and the processing of your order.

Oh...and to read more about HomeATM's recent PCI 2.0 PED Certification, click the related link below:

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