
Monday, May 25, 2009

Fake (Cloned) Facebook (Fakebook) Alert

.be warned...don't .be fooled!

Today’s phishing site that is spreading around Facebook through messages is (werecommend against visiting that site). The URL shows a fake login formthat looks almost exactly like the one on, but when a usersubmits his or her e-mail and password, instead of logging intoFacebook the site will automatically spam all his or her contacts withthe same URL. At the time of writing, the company has not yet blockedthe URL from being distributed through its network.
Facebook recommends taking the following steps:
If spam has been sent from your account:
  • Reset your Facebook password immediately. You can do this by clicking on the “Forgot Your Password” link on the login page or by going to the Account Setttings page once logged in.
  • If you can’t reset the password on your account because the emailaddress you use to log in has been changed, or if your account has beendisabled, contact our User Operations team.
  • Run a virus scan on your computer, as you may have inadvertently downloaded malware. Free virus scanners are posted below.
If you’ve seen spam sent from a friend’s account:
  • Tell your friend to follow the steps above.
  • Warn those who received the spam not to click on it, and to delete it from their Walls and Inboxes immediately.

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