
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

HomeATM Featured in "The Nilson Report"

PIN Payments News Blog - May 19th 2009

As daily reports surface (i.e. see today's post: "63% of Websites have "Critical Vulnerability Issues") industry insiders are starting to take notice of our mantra that the web is NOT safe for financial transactions and the slow realization that a software application is not the answer is starting to take a foothold. 

Therefore...we expect 2009 to be a year of migration from the belief that software (inside the browser) is "secure enough" to hardware (outside the browser) is "necessary" for online transactions. There is no other way to "secure" the transaction.  

Hence, HomeATM is starting to make some noise in the Payments Industry.  Here's a quick review of what has transpired since February:

  • Several other publications covered our PCI 2.0 Certification, including but not limited to: CNET, The Paypers, ISO & Agent, BusinessWeek and Fortune

This time, HomeATM is being featured by the respected Payment News Authority, "The Nilson Report

HomeATM is awaiting approval to bring you what The Nilson Report had to say about HomeATM's secure 2FA (two factor authentication) 3DES end-to-end encrypted, protected by DUKPT PCI 2.0 Certified Pin Entry Device.

Upon approval, look for The PIN Payments News Blog to bring you the coverage right here....

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