
Friday, May 29, 2009

Western Union Malware Attack Launched

Finextra has a story on the Western Union scam (The PIN Payments Blog told you about it on May 12th) but "their" story talks about Graham "Cluely" (a senior tech consultant at Sophos) complaining that people are "Clueless"

Oh really Graham? And you just figured that out? Who Clued you in? Was it that Pareto guy?

A Phunny Phishing story. Oh, and if you are one of the dumb people, please don't be offended by the graphics...just a dumb attempt on my part to be phunny.

Western Union malware attack launched

WesternUnion has become the latest firm to have its brand hijacked byphishers, with a flood of trojan-laden e-mails purporting to come fromthe money transfer outfit hitting inboxes.

Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant, Sophos, suggests the attack is unlikely to fool all but the most gullible.

"Ifyou haven't sent any money via Western Union, then why would they betelling you it failed to be delivered properly? Common sense is yourfriend. It's just such a shame that it doesn't seem to be very common,"says Cluley.

Editor's Note: Common Sense dictates that "If everyone else is drinking the Kool-Aid, then maybe I should drink it too!"

It's the uncommon sense that prevails. Don't believe me? Ask the lemming that "didn't" jump off the cliff.

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