
Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Online Gambling Sites Work Together to Combat Online Fraud

sponsored by iovation, Inc.
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Because fraudsters are able to obtain stolen identity information withrelative ease, today's security systems require multiple fraudmanagement techniques that work together to identify and stopincreasingly sophisticated fraud schemes.For operators of online casinos, unfortunately the fraud doesn'tstop at the use of stolen credit cards. The spectrum of abuses facingonline gaming sites are varied and don't lend themselves to standardfraud management techniques. These abuses may include promotion abuse,in-game spam, cheating and collusion, chip dumping and accounttakeovers.

By focusing on device reputation and sharing evidence offraudulent devices with other online gambling sites and beyond,iovation helps online businesses proactively expose fraudsters andabusers in real-time. As a result, online gambling sites can stoprepeat offenders. We associate problems to the specific computers usedto perpetrate abuse so that fraudsters can't simply hide behind newaccounts or identities.

Join this informative webinar to learn:
  • How online fraud impacts your site's reputation, customer trust, and business profits
  • How device reputation augments existing fraud management processes
  • How to combat player cheating, chip dumping, promotion abuse and more.
  • How top online gambling sites are sharing experiences to catch more fraud and abuse

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