
Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson Malware Campaigns Exploit Death

Michael Jackson's death themed malware campaigns spreading

The sudden death of Michael Jackson quickly opened a window of opportunity for cybercriminals to capitalize on.

With a malicious spam campaign, blackhat SEO search results poisoning which is serving scareware within the first 100 search results for Michael Jackson’s death, and an opportunistic participant in Zango adware’s network using typosquatting, malicious activity is prone to increase during the next couple of days.

Here are more details on the campaigns currently in circulation:

The malicious spam campaign is enticing users to visit a compromised web site (Beatz radio where the bogus Michael.Jackson.videos.scr screensaver is served.

A second, non-malicious spam campaign using a Michael Jackson theme is being spammed from legitimate emails in a desperate and amateur-ish attempt to harvest the emails of those who reply back - a practice which became obsolete with the time due to the much more sophisticated email harvesting techniques spammers have in a Web 2.0 world for instance.

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Michael Jackson   Malware  Jacko

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