
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cisco Midyear Security Report is Out...and so it seems is security

An Update on Global Security Threats and Trends

The Cisco 2009 Midyear Security Reportpresents an overview of Cisco security intelligence, highlightingthreat information and trends from the first half of 2009. The reportalso includes recommendations from Cisco security experts andpredictions of how identified trends will evolve.

As predicted in the Cisco 2008 Annual Security Report,attacks are only becoming more sophisticated and targeted as we movethrough 2009—and the global recession. However, while cybercrime ismore pervasive, there are encouraging signs that increasedcollaboration among the "good guys" is not only making it moredifficult for attacks to take root and grow, but also helping to bringcriminals to justice.

Report Highlights

  • Criminals are exploiting "old-school"vulnerabilities because they believe security experts and individualcomputer users are paying little attention to these types of threats.
  • Compromising legitimate websites for the purpose of propagating malware remains a highly effective technique for criminals.
  • Web 2.0 applications, prized for their ease of use and flexibility, have become lures for criminals.
  • Criminalsare targeting people who use online banking with well-designed,localized text message scams—and they're leaving virtually no trail.
  • TheObama administration has made strengthening U.S. cybersecurity a highpriority, and looks to leverage technology innovation and partner withthe private sector. Other countries are also stepping up efforts toenhance cybersecurity and prevent cybercrime.
In addition, the number of vulnerabilitiesand discrete threats has been off to a slower start this year comparedto 2008, according to research by Cisco-a sign the security communityis succeeding in making it more difficult for attacks to take root andgrow.