
Monday, July 13, 2009

EVENT: The International Conference on Trusted Systems

The International Conference on Trusted Systems

17th-19th December 2009 Beijing, P.R.China


TRUST2009 is the first International Conference on the theory, technologiesand applications of trusted systems. It is devoted to all aspects oftrusted computing systems, including trusted modules, platforms,networks, services and applications, from their fundamental featuresand functionalities to design principles,architecture and implementation technologies. The goal of theconference is to bring academic and industrial researchers, designers,and implementers together with end-users of trusted systems, in order to foster the exchange of ideas in this challenging and fruitful area. The conference will be held in Beijing University of Technology & ONETS.
INTRUST 2009 solicits original papers on any aspect of the theory, advanced development and applications of trustedcomputing, trustworthy systems and general trust issues in moderncomputing systems.

The conference will have an academic track and anindustrial track.
This call for papers is for contributions to both of the tracks. Submissionsto the academic track should emphasize theoretical and practicalresearch contributions to general trusted system technologies, whilesubmissions to the industrial track may focus on experiences on theimplementation and deployment of real-world systems.