
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Typing vs. Swiping is Tantamount to Swimming in Shark Infested Waters

Malware Statistics for July -

Cybercriminals arefocusing on finding new vulnerabilities in the most popular softwarewith the aim of exploiting them to achieve their goal – infectingcomputers with one or, more often than not, several malicious programs.Secondly, cybercriminals attempt to hide their activity so that iteither passes unnoticed, or seem to be resulting in minimal damage tothe infected machine.

"All this makes surfing the Internet without a fully-patched operatingsystem or an up-to-date antivirus solution tantamount to swimming inshark-infested waters – and this applies to even the most experiencedusers."

Graphic Depicts Countries where most attempts to infect computers via the web were recorded:

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