
Friday, September 18, 2009

eCrime Researchers Summit October 19th-21st

Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 17, 2009 -- The Anti-Phishing Working Group ( ) (APWG) announced it has opened registration for its eCrime Congress | Tacoma 2009 ( ), a three-day program beginning October 19, 2009.

The eCrime Congress program interrogates the current electronic crime threatscape that menaces online commerce today and tomorrow, and posits resources, tactics, and techniques to constructively engage them. APWG is the world's leading pan-industrial and law enforcement association focused on eliminating fraud and identity theft ( ).

No event combines the topical richness in exploring the electronic crime phenomenon and delegate heterogeneity like the fall APWG eCrime conferences, drawing thought leadership from technologists from many disciplines as well as from the financial services, retail and communications industries, law enforcement, and university research centers in the US, Europe and Australasia.

"No single sector holds the solution to electronic crime. At the APWG's conferences, all stakeholders can stand face-to-face and shoulder-to-shoulder to engage the eCrime phenomenon comprehensively, in ways that create dialog across affected constituencies - and inspire concerted action," said APWG Secretary General Peter Cassidy.

eCrime Congress | Tacoma 2009 will include a one-day, General Members (members-only) meeting on Oct. 19, followed by two days of open sessions on Oct. 20 and 21, examining such subjects as: crimeware's evolution, botnets' evolution, malvertising, Website vulnerabilities, business process logic abuse, telephony-based phishing, eCriminal tracking, counter-eCrime consumer safety instruction and the abuse of the Domain Name System by eCrime gangs.

The AWPG eCrime Researchers Summit (eCRS) on Oct. 20 and 21, held contiguously with the APWG General Members' meeting, will be presenting papers on counter-forensics, wireless network vulnerabilities,improvement of phishing-attack countermeasures, identification of vulnerable websites, phishing detection techniques, mechanisms for tracing the provenance of phishing attacks and much more. The eCRS, the world's only peer-reviewed technical conference dedicated exclusively to electronic crime research, is held every year with IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) serving as the conference's Technical Sponsor.

The conference agenda and registration links are here:

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