
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Heartland Breach Update on Class Action Lawsuits

Heartland Update: Judge to Hear Motions to Dismiss Class Action Suits
Attorney: Discovery is "the Biggest Battlefield"
September 9, 2009 - Linda McGlasson, Managing Editor

Preliminary legal hearings have begun in the class action suit against Heartland Payment Systems, the U.S.-based payments processor that was breached in 2008 

More than 30 financial institutions from 22 states have joined the lawsuit against Heartland, which is the largest data breach on record, with a reported 130 million credit and debit cards stolen.

One of the lawyers representing the financial institutions, Richard Coffman of Beaumont, TX, describes the case management conference in late August as a "very good one" for the banks.

A preliminary case management hearing was held on August 24 in Houston's Southern District Court of Texas, before Judge Lee H. Rosenthal, who set the dates for future hearings in the case,

There are two class action suits -- one on the consumer side and the second on behalf of the financial institutions affected by the massive breach. Earlier in June, a Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) panel decided the suits would be held in Houston....

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