
Friday, September 11, 2009

Internet is "Card Not Present"...

"Card Not Present" Fraud is Growing Rampantly!

HomeATM Eliminates "Card Not Present" Fraud by enabling transactions to be conducted in a "Card Present" Environment.

HomeATM provides a low cost, 2FA 3DES E2EE PCI 2.x Certified Solution which allows Internet Retailers and Consumers to level the playing field by eliminating the "card not present" environment. 

If an online consumer was instructed to  "Swipe their Card thereby capturing the data on the magnetic stripe, it would be, by definition, a "card present" transaction. 

Therefore, our device would eliminate "card not present" fraud by "morphing" the "card not present" environment into a "card present" environment.  Yes? 

You might say that HomeATM changes the way card information is swiped. 

The way it is done now, the card details are "swiped by the fraudsters."   Does it not make more sense for the online shopper to "swipe" their own card details? Then again, we could ignore all the red flags and just keep on typing!

No let up by fraudsters as online card spend soars | Response Source

Fraud prevention specialists reveal Britain’s top UK card fraud hotspots

Many of Britain’s high street shops may have been affected by the economic downturn, but millions of consumers have been more than happy to spend their money online and through mail order with their favorite retailers. However, once again the dark side of card usage is revealed as fraud specialists, the 3rd Man, unveil the extent of criminal card activity and in particular the worst places in Britain for attempted card fraud.
An analysis of the 3rd Man’s comprehensive and detailed records shows that between August 2008 and August 2009, shoppers spent an estimated £46 billion using their cards in ‘card not present’ transactions, the term used to describe purchasing when, for example, a customer is buying online or by phone. Of this figure, fraudsters have tried their best to relieve retailers of more than half a billion pounds worth of goods.

“Although Britain has been in a serious recession, it appears that many consumers have been happy to spend their money over the Internet, which is good news,” says Andrew Goodwill, fraud specialist with the 3rd Man.

“However, fraudsters show no signs of giving up. They know that online shopping has become big business and they try every scam imaginable to dupe retailers. More and more honest people are using their cards to buy over the Internet, but unfortunately more and more fraudsters are also upping their game.” 

Editor's Note:  Time to "up OUR game" or these "jokers" will continue to steal our identities, cash, and peace of mind.  Eliminate Typing, Start Swiping and "Card Not Present" fraud will be eliminated. It's really not that difficult to grasp the it?  

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