
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Outlook Dim in Fight Against CyberCrime - NextGov

Protecting sensitive computer systems and networks from cyberattack requires international standards, but limited experience with Internet crime in developing countries and a reluctance from some nations to participate have stalled cooperation, said a panel of security experts on Monday.

"It's one grid, one global network, and we're all stuck in the same boat," said James Lewis, director of the technology and public policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "We need to establish some rules."

President Obama's cybersecurity plan, released in May, stated that "the United States needs to develop a strategy . . . to shape the international environment and bring like-minded nations together on a host of issues, including acceptable norms regarding territorial jurisdiction, sovereign responsibility and use of force." The plan also included among its 10 near-term priorities the development of a framework for international cybersecurity policy.

The obstacle, however, is convincing countries to cooperate with the international effort, including the prosecution of cybercriminals...

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