
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Put your Phishing Saviness to the Test with the SonicWALL Phishing and Spam IQ Quiz.   I think we would all be more "savvy" if we stopped "typing" altogether.  The purpose of phishing is to obtain information.  The way phish pholk obtain that information is by tricking consumers into "typing" their information into a box on a cloned, counterfeit, etc. website.  If people didn't type...phish pholk couldn't swipe.  That simple. 

We need to get more pholks on board the Don't Type, Swipe Train. 

But, until then, 43% of even the smartest pholks get phooled by phishing attacks...

From SonicWalls Website:  
Chances are that in the past week you've received an e-mail in your inbox that pretends to be from your bank, e-commerce vendor, or other on-line site.

Hopefully you've realized that many times this e-mail is fake - a phishing or spam e-mail. The sender (phisher) of these fake e-mails wants you to click on the link in the e-mail and go to a phishing Web site - which will look just like the Web site of the company being phished. Once on the phishers Web site they hope to obtain your account, financial, credit and even identity information. Of course not every e-mail you receive is a phish. In fact you should expect your bank or e-commerce vendor to send you legitimate e-mail. But how can you tell the difference? Well that's what the Phishing IQ test is all about - give it a try.

To begin click the "Start the Test" button below. Each question will be displayed one at a time in a browser window and you decide if the e-mail is a "Phish" or "Legitimate." When you have completed the test you'll get a score along with a chance to see "why" a question was a phish or legitimate. Good Luck!

Helpful Hints:

  1. At the bottom of each "e-mail", on the status bar, there is the URL of the active link - the one being pointed to in the e-mail. You can decide if what is displayed is "real" or fake.

  2. For this test, assume that you are "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" - in other words that you received the e-mail in your inbox addressed to you.

Phishing Facts

$886 – The average dollar loss per Phishing Victim (Gartner, Dec 17, 2007)
$3.6 Billion – The total dollar loss of all phishing victims over a 1 year period (Gartner, Dec 17, 2007)
3.2 Million – The number of people who fell victims to phishing scams over that same 1 year period (Gartner, Dec 17, 2007)
8.5 Billion – The estimated number of phishing e-mails sent world-wide each month (SonicWALL, 2008)
32,414 – The number of phishing web sites that were operational in May 2008 (Anti-Phishing Working Group)
Phishing IQ Facts
1,012,000 - The number of people who have taken the Phishing IQ Test worldwide
7.4% - The percentage of test takers who get 100% - answering all 10 questions
86% - The percentage of phishing e-mails that are identifies as "phish" by the test takers
57% - The percentage of legitimate e-mails that are identified as "legitimate" by the test takers
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