
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Malware Economy is Thriving

Last week I did a post entitled:  Game Over: Hackers Win! 

Dennis Fisher of a security blog by Kapersky Labs says it ain't over til it's over! 

He also says the bad guys are doing great and the good guys aren't...(sounds over to me)


TORONTO -- The legitimate economy may be in rough shape right now, but the same cannot be said for the underground economy. Malware authors and botmasters are thriving, experts say, with some online criminals charging as much as $3,500 for their attack toolkits.

But don't be intimidated by the high price point. That's a premium product. More basic exploit kits can be had for as little as $100. But even at that price, the attackers are doing just fine, thank you.

"The bad guys are doing really great," said Roy Firestein of Digital Defence, speaking in a session on modern crimeware toolkits at the SecTor 2009 conference here. "How are the good guys doing? Not so good."

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