
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Online Banking is Weak Week Continues!

There's writing on the wall and then there is writing on the wall! 

Take a look at the chart on the left. Specifically, take a gander at the dramatic rise in Trojans over during the months of July, August and September.

Wow! Right?  So what are the chances we can defeat this growing threat?  SLIM & NONE!

First, the NONE:  Take into account that Clampi was only discovered in July.

Now take into account that URLZone was only discovered "Yesterday!"

URLZone, which not only steals online banking log in credentials, but then actually has the audacity to rewrite the text in the HTML code in order to cover up the fact that money is being siphoned out. Yes, the online statements show that money is still there!

The only good thing about his particular online banking Trojan (URLZone) is that it appears to have ended the argument about which online banking trojan (Clampi, Zeus, Conficker) posed the gravest danger to the online banking sector. Hands down...URLZone Wins. (for now...what will the bad guys come up with next?)

Speaking of winning.  The only way to "win" the "War of the World Wide Web" is to authenticate the online banking customer outside the browser WITHOUT typing.  Eliminate Typing...Start Swiping.

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times.  Browsers are not safe for eCommerce transactions. 

Agree or disagree with this statement:  If your cardholder data is going to be
swiped wouldn't you prefer being the one doing the swiping? 

The SLIM Argument:  Doesn't it make 100% logical sense to log in to your online banking account the same way you access cash at an ATM?  HomeATM's SLIM 100% replicates that procedure for online banking, using Existing bank rails, Existing cards, Existing PINs, "Better Than" Existing Security. 

In fact, the "only" difference between accessing cash in real-time at an ATM and logging on to your online banking session is that there is no risk of "skimmers" or "hidden cameras" to record your PIN entry.

Our chances to beat the hackers and these online banking trojans? 


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