
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Verifone PayWare Platform Chosen by U.S. Army and Navy

VeriFone PAYware selected for U.S. Army and Navy facilities management system

San Jose, Calif., Oct. 15, 2009 -- VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PAY) today announced that its PAYware Transact has been selected as the PCI-compliant payment engine for the Vermont Systems (VSI) RecTrac facilities management system that is deployed worldwide to U.S. Army and Navy recreational facilities.

VSI, of Essex Junction, VT, provides software for managing recreation and parks operations for municipal, county, state and federal military governmental entities. Its global deployment to Army and Navy facilities supports a wide range of activities, from court and locker reservations to childcare, with comprehensive reporting and financial management capabilities.

“PAYware Transact provides us with the PCI-compliant card acceptance and payment processing component,” said Giles Willey, president of VSI. “This relieves us of the need to develop specialized skills in the ever-changing payments area, isolates the payment function from our core application code, and provides our customers with assurance their applications will remain PCI-compliant moving forward.”

PAYware Transact is a highly-scalable and customizable Java-based payment solution that supports high-volume transaction processing for retailers and businesses of any size. The platform-independent system accommodates a mix of front-end environments — including POS devices, mail order/telephone order systems and e-commerce. Several thousand of VeriFone’s MX 830 systems are being deployed to approximately 3,000 Army and Navy facilities as a customer-facing card acceptance system for use with RecTrac.

“VSI has a sterling record supporting military recreation facilities and we’re proud to be part of a system that is instrumental in supporting the morale of soldiers and sailors and their families,” said Robbie Lopez, VeriFone senior vice president and general manager, Software Solutions.

VeriFone payment processing software solutions enable businesses of all types and size to quickly and securely process electronic payments including credit, debit, loyalty/stored value gift, purchasing cards, checks, EBT and more. PAYware Transact can be easily integrated into a wide variety of POS systems, databases, and corporate financial environments, and it is certified by all major processors.

Source: Company press release.