
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Zeus Online Banking Trojan Webinar Infected with...Zeus!

According to a story from Brian Krebs, a company produced a webinar on the online banking password stealing Trojan Zeus and was then targeted by the Zeus keepers:

"On Sept. 1, security industry start-up Silver Tail Systems held an in-depth online seminar for its bank and e-commerce clients that examined the stealth and sophistication of Zeus, a data-stealing Trojan horse program that organized thieves have used in a string of lucrative cyber heists this year.

A week later, Silver Tail learned that Zeus had infiltrated its own network defenses.

Silver Tail founder Laura Mather said she believes her company was targeted by criminals wielding Zeus specifically because of the recent webinar, which spotlighted the myriad ways in which Zeus can defeat online banking security measures. Still, she said the incident shows this family of malware can be a threat to any business - even security companies.

Continue Reading at Brian Krebs Security Fix

The Zeus-themed webinar that Silver Tail believes prompted this attack is long, but well worth a watch for anyone involved in defending networks. The ThreatExpert blog also recently published an excellent (yet far more technical) deep-dive on Zeus."

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