
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hacking Industry Heads Top Five Data Security Threats for 2010s, warns Imperva

Malware, botnets, phishing and online banking lead list...

From ITWire:

Hacking will become a more potent threat over the new decade as criminals evolve illegally accessing computers into an industry, according to Imperva, the Data Security leader.

Imperva predicts five key security trends for the 2010s:

  • The industrialisation of hacking, with clear definition of roles developing within the hacking community forming a supply chain that starkly resembles that of drug cartels. The weapons of choice will be automated tools such as malware distributed via botnets.

  • A move from application to data security as cyber-criminals look for new ways to bypass existing application security measures and focus on obtaining the valuable data itself via insider. The fast growth in the number of applications that access enterprise data pools will make application security approaches much less cost effective than a security approach that is data centric.

  • Increasing attacks on social network sites where vulnerable and less technically savvy groups are susceptible to phishing attacks and malware.

  • An increase in password theft/grabbing attacks as it is perceived that by obtaining credentials for one application - like an email account - these will also apply to other applications such as online banking and Paypal accounts

  • A move from reactive to pro-active security as organisations move from sitting back and waiting to be breached, to actively seeking holes and plugging them.

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