
Monday, January 4, 2010

ETA 2010

ETA 2010

Annual Meeting Home 2010 Annual Meeting Registration Hotel Information Preliminary Program

Join Our 20th Anniversary Party and be part of the biggest, most exciting annual meeting ETA has ever hosted.

We’ve got a great celebration planned: a perfect blend of serious business opportunities and fun activities. Great speakers , myriad new products ready to go on display in the exhibit hall, and plenty of prime networking opportunities. And we’re inviting everyone you might want to meet, learn from, or do business with.

The 2010 ETA Annual Meeting & Expo is where merchant acquirers, financial institutions, processors, and alternative payment providers, value added resellers, prepaid companies, and merchant sales teams come together the most diverse and comprehensive show in the payments industry.

This is where you’ll connect with colleagues and customers, explore new products, services and business opportunities. With more than 3,000 attendees, 200 exhibitors, and 400 companies, you’ll find the right source for whatever you need and discover hundreds of ways to make your business a success! Can you afford not to be there?

In an economy where the rules of business change as quickly as they are created, the ability to make timely decisions means the difference between organizational success or failure. Stay ahead of the game with strategic sessions on alternative payments, sales force development, industry regulation and global opportunities.

Come early and refresh or catch up on the information you haven’t had a chance to explore all year. ETA offers several pre-conference events, including Compliance Day, Prepaid Day, ETA University, and the all NEW Investment Community Forum. Each event is packed full of the latest payments industry knowledge to provide you with to information and tools you need now!

Register Today! After all, the ETA Annual Meeting & Expo is the place where the payments industry connects.



Discover Network

Theme Party & Lanyards



Tote Bags



Water Bottles


Network Merchants Inc.

Hotel Key Cards


 Security Metrics

Golf Tournament


 American Express

Exhibit Hall Opening Reception


 China Union Pay



MasterCard Worldwide

Wednesday Lunch

Annual Meeting Patron



Internet Services


 Cynergy Data

 Exhibit Hall Happy Hour

 NPC Logo.1106

 National Processing Company

Image Magnification



Exhibit Hall Aisle Signs


Moneris Solutions

Wednesday Breakfast



Welcome Banner



Compliance Day


Heartland Payment Systems

 History of Credit Cards Display



Note Pads