
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Global Payments Study Reveals Requirements for Increased Connectivity

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Global Payments Study Reveals Requirements for Increased Connectivity Between Suppliers, Buyers, Banks and Other Trading Partners


The corporate commercial EcoSystem of suppliers, buyers, banks & other trading partners is likely the most inefficient marketplace in the world.  Many corporations still operate in a complex web of paper, disparate systems, multiple "standards", protocols, and networks which creates redundancy, error, and lags in data delivery.

According to a recent SunGard AvantGard sponsored study, 30% of corporations in the 5B+ category are managing with 21 or more cash management banks. Additionally, 40% report that they are operating with 11 or more payment initiation systems, and 25% of the total have more than 21 systems.

The result of these inefficiencies is a high degree of friction across the EcoSystem.

Download this complimentary White Paper
to learn how streamlining connectivity and consolidating data can help reduce friction and attain visibility across the EcoSystem of buyers, suppliers and other trading partners which can help facilitate supply chain finance and uncover hidden cash and opportunities.  Also learn how advancements in bank and enterprise connectivity are helping set the stage for the future of supply chain finance.

Key Survey Findings:

  • Bank Communication & Enterprise Connectivity

  • Corporate Adoption of SWIFT & SEPA

  • The Role of Payment Factories

  • Payment Networks Leveraging Social Networking

  • The Future of Supply Chain Finance