
Monday, January 4, 2010

Melissa Hathaway on 'Five Myths About Cybersecurity'

An exclusive article published by The New New Internet

Vienna, VA (PRWEB)  -- Last week, The New New Internet published an exclusive article written by Melissa Hathaway on ‘Five Myths About Cybersecurity.’

In her article, Hathaway discusses some common cyber security myths held by the general public.

The myths include:

  • Consumer protection exists in cyberspace;

  • Firewalls and virus scanners protect my computer and my enterprise;

  • My government has the solution and will protect me;

  • Physical assets are more valuable than information;

  • Laws are keeping pace with technological innovation.

Hathaway’s article highlights the need for better public education and the shared responsibility for cyber security. She advocates for moving past discussions and taking concrete actions to begin to address the variety of threats present in cyberspace, recognizing that everyone is vulnerable to cyber attack.

Jim Garrettson, president of The New New Internet, said “We are excited to help Melissa Hathaway distribute her message to a broad audience. She is a leading voice in the cyber security debate and with the recent naming of Howard Schmidt as cyber security coordinator, the timing could not have been better. Melissa’s work is a relevant and crucial piece of the ongoing dialogue surrounding cyber security.”

Hathaway’s article can be accessed here:

Melissa Hathaway is President of Hathaway Global Strategies, LLC and Senior Advisor at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. Previously she served as Senior Advisor to the Director of National Intelligence and Cyber Coordination Executive during the administration of President George W. Bush, and as Acting Senior Director for Cyberspace for the National Security Council during the administration of President Barack Obama.

The New New Internet (TNNI) seeks to stay abreast of the rapidly developing field of cyber security. The site looks to connect the developments in the national and international arena with informative analysis that places the disparate ideas surrounding this still nascent market in dialogue with one another. Our readers can anticipate regular, objective and timely news updates on developments in cyber security spanning the public and private sectors. In practice, we do not focus on specific technologies but instead cover broader policy developments, key players and cyber incidents, along with broad innovations in cyber security context. The New New Internet intends to support a safer world of the internet’s next generation. We will focus beyond the realm of the new internet of Web 2.0 into the promise of what will be The New, New Internet.

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