
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

180 Gas Stations in Utah Infiltrated by Skimming Devices

Criminals Hide Payment-Card Skimmers Inside Gas Station Pumps  

Wave of recent bank-card skimming incidents demonstrate how sophisticated the scam has become

By Kelly Jackson Higgins


Criminals hid bank card-skimming devices inside gas pumps -- in at least one case, even completely replacing the front panel of a pump -- in a recent wave of attacks that demonstrate a more sophisticated, insidious method of stealing money from unsuspecting victims filling up their gas tanks.

Some 180 gas stations in Utah, from Salt Lake City to Provo, were reportedly found with these skimming devices sitting inside the gas pumps. The scam was first discovered when a California bank's fraud department discovered that multiple bank card victims reporting problems had all used the same gas pump at a 7-Eleven store in Utah.

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