
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Parkmobile USA, Inc. Introduces Pay by Phone Parking in Albuquerque

With the launch of Parkmobile, residents and visitors to Albuquerque are now able to conduct their parking transactions by mobile phone.

, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Parkmobile USA, Inc. announced today a revolutionary new service that will allow residents and visitors to Albuquerque to save time and money by using their mobile phone to pay for parking.

"Parkmobile is very excited to launch our Pay by Phone parking service in Albuquerque," said Albert Bogaard, CEO of Parkmobile USA, Inc.  

"With this technology, customers no longer have to search for change or estimate the time needed at their destination.  The Pay by Phone service is an example of another technology that can make our lives easier and more efficient."

To use the service, motorists can register by calling toll-free, 877-PARK-715, visiting or download our mobile application at

After setting up the account, customers can immediately start using the system with their registered mobile phone. Motorists also can select the option to receive text message alerts and reminders fifteen minutes before their time expires.  (Editor's Note:  I like this idea.  It serves an excellent niche.  I'm sure the application can be tweaked to allow for an  "auto-pay" (pun intended) option.  Auto-Pay's timer would activate when the meter is at "T Minus Ten Seconds" buy another 15 minutes and then send an SMS informing the user they have an extra 15 minutes...would they like to make it 30/45/60? 

is Parkmobile's first location in the New Mexico area. Pay by Phone parking service is scheduled to begin March 1, 2010. For additional information, please visit: .

About Parkmobile

Parkmobile is a leading global provider of seamlessly integrated end-to-end solutions for electronic parking. The firm's product offerings include cashless mobile payments for on and off street parking, digital permits, electronic enforcement and congestion charging systems.

SOURCE Parkmobile USA, Inc.

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