
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PayPal Stops P2P Payments in India

Medianama and just about everybody else is reporting that PayPal abruptly shut down it's P2P payments with the Indian Rupee...

eBay’s PayPal Disallows P2P Payments, Transfers To Local Banks

By Preethi J on February 9th, 2010

The eBay owned online payment service PayPal has abruptly stopped person to person (P2P) payments (transfer of money to a family or friend or for donations) and withdrawal from Indian banks for users attempting to send money from and to India, TechCrunch reported. 

The website’s international send money portal no longer offers the Indian Rupee (INR) in the drop down list of currencies and India has been removed from the list of countries allowing users to send money using the Personal Payment option. (Screenshot below)
PayPal has clarified that it has not halted e-commerce transactions and Indian merchants can continue to charge their clients and receive payments for goods shipped to an address: but they will be unable to withdraw the funds from local banks.

The company has earned the wrath of customers by not offering a prior intimation nor a time-line for when the service will be back on track. More grist to the mill for sites such as!

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