
Friday, March 12, 2010

Zeus Online Banking Trojan Keeps Getting Better...for Criminals

It said "don't" click and yet you did.  Just goes to show you how easy it is to lure anyone with a mouse to a website that infects their PC with malware?  I'm malware here...just making a point... JBF

ZeuS botnet code keeps getting better… for criminals

$10,000 will buy a ZeuS module that takes complete control of a compromised PC 

By Ellen Messmer, Network World   March 11, 2010 04:19 PM ET

New capabilities are strengthening the ZeuS botnet, which criminals use to steal financial credentials and execute unauthorized transactions in online banking, automated clearing house (ACH) networks and payroll systems.

The latest version of this cybercrime toolkit, which starts at about $3,000, offers a $10,000 module that can let attackers completely take control of a compromised PC.
The latest version of ZeuS gets around most of the advanced online authentication mechanisms used by banks today, with perhaps the exception of a transaction approval process based on at least two people...The latest version is also designed to blow through the most current defenses in place regarding two-factor and other authentication in banking systems, and is especially oriented toward facilitating high-dollar transactions of $100,000 or more."

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