
Friday, April 2, 2010

Internet Retailer Survey Report: International E-Commerce

Survey: International E-Commerce

Web retailers are reaping overseas sales without actively pursuing them

Three-fourths of web retailers that responded to a recent Internet Retailer survey accept orders from outside the United States, and for some, international customers represent a significant part of their business. But relatively few offer features tailored to foreign consumers.

That may change in coming years, and lead to still-greater international sales for U.S. e-retailers, some experts say.

14.5% of the 75.2% of merchants selling internationally, which includes Canada, report that in 2009 more than 25% of their total web sales came from customers outside the United States, according to Internet Retailer’s new international e-commerce survey of 247 web-only retailers, chain retailers, catalogers and consumer brand manufacturers. 4.8% report 21% to 25% of sales came from outside the borders of the country, 7.0% report 16% to 20%, and 5.9% report 11% to 15%, the survey finds.

9.1% say 8% to 10% of 2009 sales were derived from international shoppers, 12.4% report 5% to 7%, 18.3% say 2% to 4%, and 28.0% report less than 2%.

Of the 24.8% not selling internationally, 60.3% are assessing the viability of selling to consumers outside of the United States; and of those merchants, 70.3% plan to start selling internationally within a year.

To see all of the tables accompanying this month's survey article, 


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