
Thursday, May 13, 2010

2010 EMV User Meeting in Singapore

EMV User Meeting set for Singapore

EMVCo, the EMV standards body jointly owned by American Express, JCB, MasterCard and Visa, will host its 2010 User Meeting on 29-30 June, at the Singapore Marriott, Singapore.  The event will bring together EMVCo representatives and EMV users, and provides an opportunity to communicate the most recent technical advances and discuss future developments of the EMV standard.
EMVCo invites all users of the EMV Specifications globally to attend the two-day event, which     follows  the inaugural meeting held in Germany last year.  In line with EMVCo's role as a technical standards body, the meeting is an interactive forum on technical EMV issues and developments that will educate delegates on the organisation's strategic vision to meet emerging market requirements.  Attendees will also have the opportunity to share valuable ‘grass roots' feedback to the standards body on its current and future activities.
The Singapore event will incorporate four sessions: building the infrastructure for EMV contactless; expanding the EMV community through the EMVCo Associates Programme; exploring the contactless mobile ecosystem; and the depth of EMV security.  Each track will include insightful presentations from keynote speakers and EMVCo's key personnel, as well as a questions and answers session. 
The annual meeting is part of a number of initiatives that have been launched by EMVCo to increase industry engagement in the ongoing development of the EMV payment specifications.  This includes the introduction of the EMVCo Associates Programme earlier this year, which offers Business and Technical Associate participation categories and enables EMV stakeholders to play a more active role in guiding the organisation's strategic and technical direction.  EMVCo also launched a website subscription programme in 2009, which entitles individuals and organisations to access advance information regarding revisions to EMV Specifications, draft documents and upcoming meetings.
As the EMV User Meeting is one element of its engagement activities to broaden industry participation and promote greater transparency, organisations wishing to have representation at the event must already be an EMVCo Business Associate, EMVCo Technical Associate, or a company website subscriber.  Individual website subscribers are also eligible to attend.  An early bird rate - $249 - will be applied to all meeting registrations confirmed before 31 May 2010.  After this date, the full meeting registration fee - $495 - will be applied.  EMVCo Business Associates and EMVCo Technical Associates are entitled to complimentary meeting registration for one and three passes respectively.
For further information and to register for the EMV User Meeting visit: