
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nevada Specifies New Details for Encryption: What you Need to Know


Date – May 6, 2010

Presenter: Tim Matthews, Sr. Director, Product Marketing

Length: 45 minutes
Time: 9:00 am (PST)
Category: Business--Topical

Nevada Specifies New Details For Encryption: What you Need to Know

Webcast Description:

Nevada's Senate Bill No. 227 which came into effect on January 1, 2010, brings a surprising degree of specificity to defining encryption; encryption is the "protection of data in electronic or optimal form, in storage or in transit". Further, the law specifies two aspects of encryption: the technology used in a particular encryption product, and cryptographic keys and, it forbids the transfer of personal information or of a data storage device containing personal information, unless appropriate steps have been taken to encrypt that data, as defined by the legislation. The legislation also details security devices that must use encryption, including cell phones, computers, computer drives and magnetic tape.
Although the legislation contains elements that will be familiar to organizations already following a comprehensive security framework, compliance with PCI DSS, HIPAA, GBLA and FISMA does not necessarily equate to compliance with SB 227. In this 30 minute webinar you will learn why PGP Corporation's encryption solutions - Endpoint Protection, Email, File and Storage Protection - are designed to enable enterprises to easily and cost effectively comply with these kinds of regulations and requirements.

To register for this exciting webinar click here.

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