
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Two Pinheads Get Life in Prison for PIN Number Murder

The BBC is reporting that the two idiots who tortured and eventually killed a man to get his PIN have been sentenced to life in prison.

Danny Howsego and Jon Williams, jailed for the murder of Graham Reeve

Howsego and Williams ambushed Mr Reeve on his way home
Two men who stabbed and strangled a man when he refused to reveal his bank card PIN number have been jailed for life for his murder. Graham Reeve, 55, was tortured for several hours before his body was dumped in an empty flat in Colchester, Essex, in July 2009. Danny Howsego, 36, and Jon Williams, 22, both from Stanley Wooster Way, Colchester, had denied the charge. A judge at Chelmsford Crown Court said they must serve at least 32 years each
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