
Friday, June 4, 2010

Another 1.7 Signatures from SuperAmerica Support Durbin Bill

Fox News in the Twin Cities is reporting that SuperAmerica has collected 1.7  million signatures supporting the debit card swipe fee amendment introduced by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin
CANTON, Ohio. - Speedway SuperAmerica said Thursday it has now collected nearly 1.7 million customer signatures for a petition in support of credit card swipe fee reform. The National Association of Convenience Stores has now collected 5.5 million from customers nationwide. 144,000 signatures were collected in Minnesota and 51,000 in Wisconsin. South Dakota also collected 1,000 signatures, despite only having one company owned and operated store in the state.  Those signatures will be presented to Congress in support of a debit card swipe fee amendment sponsored by Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin. 
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