
Monday, June 7, 2010

DEFCON 18 and Black Hat USA 2010


 DEFCON 18 is a hacker conference 
 (from Defcon at 7-6-2010) 
 DEF CON at its core is a hacker conference sometimes though we forget the true meaning of that. Adam Laurie shared with me the DEF CON ethos. "If you know something, share it. If you learn something, learn more. When you really know your stuff, teach it." That is what a hacker conference should be all about. This also brings to mind another question we tend to ask ourselves in the INFOSEC/Hacking community.... read more» 

 DEF CON 18 Hacking Conference 
 (from Defcon at 7-6-2010) 
 Here's another great batch of talks for DEF CON 18! Stay tuned, we got tons of last minute submissions, so there's a bunch more more coming down the pipe in the next couple of weeks! Connection String Parameter Attacks This session is about Parameter Pollution in Connection Strings Attack. Today, a lot of tools and web applications allow users to configure dynamically a connection against a Database server. This session will demonstrate the high risk in doing this insecurely. This session ... read more» 

 Black Hat USA 2010 
 (from Blackhat at 7-6-2010) 
 Dynamic malware analysis is an important method to analyze malware. The most important tool for dynamic malware analysis is debugger. However, because debuggers are originally built by software developers to debug legitimate software, they have some significant flaws against malware. First of all, malware can easily detect the presence of debugger with various tricks. Another fundamental problem is that because malware run in the same security domain with debugger, they can potentially tamper wi... read more» 

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