
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Durbin Amendment Doesn't Help eTailers,

New Debit Card Regulations About 'Swipe Fees' Will Not Protect E-commerce Merchants, Says Merchant Rights Advocate Robert Livingstone of

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.June 30 /PRNewswire/ -- E-commerce merchants, one of the fastest-growing segments of the retail and service economy, will not be protected by new Congressional legislation, according to merchant rights advocate Robert Livingstone, president and founder of, a consulting firm that reduces credit card acceptance fees for merchants without switching their existing provider.
"It is a tragedy that Congress is forgetting about the rights of e-commerce merchants conducting business on the Internet," said Robert Livingstone, president of "Consumers won't save any money and e-commerce merchants will wind up paying higher fees."

Editor's Note:  We can help.  We replicate the brick and mortar transaction meaning the Durbin Amendment would apply to swiped transactions.  

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