
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5TH Annual Online Trust to Feature Howard Schmidt as Keynote Speaker

Online Trust & Cybersecurity Forum

Special Assistant to the President and Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt Invited to Keynote
Nation's business, government and technology executives in collaborate around consumer trust, privacy and security 
Seattle, WA – July 7, 2010 – The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) today announced keynotes and speakers for the 5th Annual Online Trust and Cybersecurity Forum being hosted at Georgetown University September 22-24 in Washington DC.  White House Cybersecurity leader and presidential advisor Howard Schmidt had been invited to provide the kickoff keynote.  Later that morning, Greg Link of Franklin Covey who will provide a keynote on the Speed of Trust, the New York Times best seller. 
They will be joined by Mark Bregman, Chief Technical Officer of Symantec, Josh Glantz, VP and General Manager of Publishers Clearing House and Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau.   Additional plenary and panel speakers include Trevor Hughes, Executive Director IAPP; Larry Clinton, President of the Internet Security Alliance; Ari Schwartz, VP and COO, Center for Democracy & Technology;  Jessica Rich, Deputy Director, Federal Trade Commission and James Van Dyke of Javelin Research.
“Consumer trust is one of the primary enablers for continuing the global economic growth driven by the Internet,” said Mark Bregman, Executive Vice President And Chief Technology Officer, Symantec Corporation.  “A strong public/private partnership between government and business is a key element for ensuring online trust for consumers.  Events such as the Online Trust and Cybersecurity Forum help develop the framework necessary for the exchange of information needed to make that kind of partnership successful.”
The goal of the Forum is to help e-commerce companies, governmental agencies, financial institutions, and marketers enhance consumer protection while protecting their brands from emerging threats.  Through a mix of keynote, plenary and breakout sessions, attendees will learn the latest techniques and best practices, evolving issues in security, privacy and data governance, and strategies for decision-makers to use to align business and marketing goals with technical solutions.  
"For more than 50 years Publishers Clearing House has been a leader in direct marketing.  It is precisely because we are experts in online consumer privacy and data governance that we have been able to retain and grow our audience as our business evolves to multiple-channel direct marketing," said Josh Glantz. "I am looking forward to sharing this knowledge and helping marketers better understand how to protect their brand and their consumers from potential threats."
A highlight of the Forum will be the annual Online Safety Awards program.  Co-sponsored by Symantec and Message Systems, these awards recognize companies, individuals and organizations for their contributions to the trust ecosystem.  Nominations are being accepted until August 31st.
 “As consumers increasingly assert their sovereignty over their data and preferences, building and retaining consumer trust has never been more important,” said Craig Spiezle, executive director of OTA.   “Left unchecked we risk a consumer trust meltdown.  The Forum will elevate critical business practices that show promise towards protecting users, the Nation’s critical infrastructure and the long-term vitality of the Internet.”  
In conjunction with the Forum, OTA will be hosting the OTA Training Academy on Wednesday Sept 22, offering two half-day training programs on email authentication and email regulatory compliance.  Taught by industry leaders, the Academy is a mix of curriculum based instruction, theory, practical applications and hands-on exercises.   Participants will have the option to take a certification exam at the conclusion of the program with recognition at the Award’s program.   
 The Forum will be held on September 22 -24 at Georgetown University in Washington DC.  Registration is open to the public.  Register by August 1st and save $200.
The event is being sponsored by OTA members including; Better Advertising, Box Sentry, Direct Marketing Association, DigiCert, Infragard, Intersections, Internet Identity, Lashback, MarkMonitor, Message Systems, Microsoft, Perkins Coie, PreferenceCentral, Return Path, Symantec and TRUSTe.


Keynote, Plenary Session Speakers & Visionaries
  • Howard Schmidt - White House Cyber Security Coordinator *

  • Greg Link, President & Co-Founder, Global Speed of Trust (Franklin Covey)

  • Scott Meyer, CEO, Better Advertising Inc.

  • Ari Schwartz, VP & COO, Center for Democracy & Technology

  • Vance Hitch, CIO US Department of Justice & Co-Chair Federal CIO Council

  • Jessica Rich, Deputy Director, Federal Trade Commission

  • Trevor Hughes, Executive Director, IAPP

  • James Van Dyke, President & Founder, Javelin Research

  • Randall Rothenberg, President , Interactive Advertising Bureau

  • Larry Clinton, President & CEO, Internet Security Alliance

  • Michael Stanfield, Chairman and CEO, Intersections Inc.

  • John Scarrow, General Manager, Microsoft

  • Craig Spiezle, Founder & Executive Director, Online Trust Alliance

  • Jules Polonetsky,  Co-Chair & Director, Future-of Privacy Forum

  • David Daniels, CEO, The Relevancy Group

  • Michael Barrett CISO, PayPal

  • Josh Glantz, VP, General Manager, Publishers Clearing House

  • Mark Bregman, CTO, Symantec

  • Fran Maier, President, TRUSTeand over 20 other industry, business and policy leaders

About The Online Trust Alliance (OTA)

OTA’s mission is to create and promote business practices and technologies to enhance online trust and the vitality of ecommerce and online services.  Formed in 2004 to counter email deception and online abuse, today OTA is a global non-profit organization representing the Internet ecosystem supporting user choice and controls, protection of critical infrastructure, privacy and data governance, promoting marketing best practices, balanced legislation and self-governance.
Open and collaborative, relationships with business, industry, govt and non-governmental agencies are key pillars to helping address online threats.  OTA is a member and or partners with leading organizations including the Anti-Phishing Working Group, (APWG), Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Email Experience Council, (eec), Email Service Provider Coalition (ESPC), eco, The German Internet Association, Digital PhishNet, InfraGard, Singapore Direct Marketing Association, US Chamber of Commerce and the London Action Plan (LAP). 
For media-related inquiries contact:
Elizabeth Shambaugh

Online Trust Alliance (OTA)

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