
Monday, July 5, 2010

New Twist in ATM Skimming Scams - USA Today

Photo from
By Jessica Doyle, WUSA-TV

WASHINGTON — Thieves are using high-tech skimmers to steal account information at automatic teller machines — and victims don't know they have a problem until they see their statements. Cyber security expert Brian Krebs tracks ATM scams on his blog and he says new technology is helping scammers steal even more of your information at ATMs. "If it's done correctly you would not notice that anything looks amiss," Krebs says. In a traditional skimming scam, thieves place a card-skimming device into the card insertion slot. The skimmer can steal account information stored on the magnetic strip on back of the card when it is dipped into the machine.  The new twist? Clear plastic overlays also are placed on top of the PIN pad to capture personal indentification numbers. Also, some skimmers can text the stolen bank account information and PINs directly to the scammer so that person never has to return to the scene of the crime.  <<read more>>

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