
Friday, July 9, 2010

NRF Launches "Mobile Retail Initiative"


Mobile phones have come a long way since their introduction over 30 years ago. By 2015, shoppers around the world are expected to use their mobile phones to purchase goods and services worth close to $120 billion.

In order to help retailers adapt to the new technology, the National Retail Federation has launched its  Mobile Retail Initiative  to offer best practices and learning opportunities for retailers entering the mobile space.This Mobile Retail Initiative has produced a Mobile Blueprint to guide retailers in planning and implementing initial mobile applications, including customer marketing, payments and internal operations.

The Mobile Blueprint Committee Chair Richard Mader would like to thank all who participated in this effort, with special thanks going to the subcommittee chairs Dave Dorf of Oracle, Jona Buus of Cellpoint Mobile and Cathy Medich of Smart Card Alliance.