
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Signature Debit: Dead Debit Walking

Peter Guidi

Peter Guidi Peter is your connection

Director, Petroleum Sales at VCMG
Fort Myers, Florida Area Retail John B. Frank adds excellent commentary on the impact of the Durbin Amendment joining with those who see the imminent death of signature debit as one early results of the legislation. His perspective is enlightening. 
The writing is on the wall.  The recent passing of the Durbin Amendment signifies the "future passing" (demise) of signature debit.  Here's why:  The two biggest reasons signature debit existed in the first place have now been eliminated...
  • Reason Number 1:  It created recurring revenue to banks in the form of overdraft charges
  • Reason Number 2:  It created recurring revenue to banks in the form of higher interchange fees. 
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