
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Feds Propose Internet ID's to Fight Cybercrime

Okay, just so I understand.  Apparently, the reason online shopping has it's inherent problems is because we type our credit card numbers into a box on a website and hackers, keyloggers, malware programs and phishing gets those numbers and then commit their cyberfraud.

So, in order to solve that problem, the Feds say "let's issue a card" to ensure that the user is who they say they are.  All they have to do is type the number on the card into a browser and that will prove it. it...

Feds Propose Internet IDs for Security
(from myfoxdfw at 13-1-2011)
The United States government wants to guarantee that you are who you say who are while youre on the Internet. Recent data shows Americans spent about $142 billion dollars online. Thats why the commerce department is talking about an Internet ID. Aside from online shopping, it could also be used for things like e-mail, banking and accessing electronic health records.... read more»
Obama's Internet ID plan - the basics
(from EXAMINER at 13-1-2011)
The Obama Administration has announced plans for a unique personal ID for the Internet. Think that sounds vague? That's because it is. In fact, it sounds terribly reminiscent of every big project that never ends whether sponsored by the government or someone else. It's going to be led by the Commerce Department, not the NSA or Homeland Security, which were candidates. This is good, because National ID + Internet + NSA sounds pretty big brother-ish to me. ... read more»

Government proposes internet ID card for all Americans

President Obama has said that he will give the United States Commerce Department authority over a proposed national cybersecurity ID card. The goal is for everyone to have one ID to use on the internet, as opposed to having to remember multiple login names and passwords.

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