
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Payments Advisory Group to Assist Financial Institutions with Managing and Optimizing Debit Card Programs During Era of Industry Turmoil

Paur Payments Advisory Group to Aid Financial Institutions in Better Understanding and Managing Profitability of Debit Card Programs

THE WOODLANDS, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Andrew M. Paur, Esq. has announced the formation of an advisory service intended to assist financial institutions and other organizations involved in the electronic payments industry with strategic, operational, regulatory, fraud, and compliance issues. The goal of the new advisory firm is to assist financial institutions and other payments industry participants in navigating the complex payments landscape, while maximizing profitability and efficiency.
“the electronic payments business has become increasingly complex.”
Paur, who has worked in numerous capacities in the electronic funds transfer (EFT) industry ranging from in-house counsel of one of the largest payment networks in the country to the Director of Payments for one of the largest debit cards issuers in the country, said “the electronic payments business has become increasingly complex.” Paur added, “we believe that few financial institutions or payment providers possess the expertise or resources to address the myriad of strategic and tactical decisions associated with debit card programs.” Paur suggested the new organization represents a unique resource to which financial institutions and other organizations can turn for consultation with experienced payments professionals to build more successful, profitable, and secure payments programs. Paur noted that one of the biggest challenges facing the new payments advisory venture is that industry participants “don’t know what they don’t know.” Paur added that “our professionals have witnessed scores of financial institutions who have failed to properly optimize their debit card payment program due to their lack of understanding of the payments industry.” Paur indicated “the new payments advisory group is committed to assisting and educating industry participants about ways to maximize revenues, minimize expenses and fraud losses, and assessing risks associated with payments activity.” Paur further indicated that the advisory group intends to leverage its expertise and contacts in the industry to contribute to innovation within industry.
Paur noted that the need for such advisory services is greater than ever, especially for financial institutions, given the turbulence in the industry resulting from the Durbin Amendment.
Paur Payments Advisory Group Incorporated is an advisory firm specializing in issues relating to electronic payments. Through its experienced professionals and alliance partners, Paur Payments Advisory Group advises electronic payments industry participants on ways in which to maximize revenues, minimize expenses, minimize fraud and chargeback losses, and evaluate and quantify risk. Paur Payments Advisory Group provides advisory services for ATM operators, merchants, financial institutions, prepaid card program managers, processors, and electronic funds transfer networks. Paur Payments Advisory Group also assists financial analysts, investors, and private equity groups in understanding the complex payments landscape.


Paur Payments Advisory Group Incorporated
Andrew M. Paur, 832.482.2475