
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

eWeek: Google Wallet Will Fail to Cash In: 10 Reasons Why

eWeek outlines some of the challenges facing Google's new Mobile NFC payment platform...

By Clint Boulton on 2011-06-13

Google Wallet is the search engine's ambitious play to push mobile payments into the mainstream. When the service goes live in New York and San Francisco this summer, users will download the Google Wallet application from the more
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Fear of Unknown

We already mentioned that consumers may not be ready for Google Wallet. Consumers will also be afraid to try something new, such as Wallet, because they are uncertain about how secure it is. Indeed, the NFC chip, also called the Secure Element, will store users' credit card info for Wallet. But security experts said this could conceivably be gamed, exposing users to account-draining thefts.

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